Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pebbles with a Purpose

For reasons I don't need to go into right now, it's been a challenging week.  We all have them.  This evening a poem I wrote a few years ago floated back to my consciousness, and it struck me that the thought still holds true. Those pebbles pack some punch!  Or maybe it's the One who gives them to us :-) 

On the Battlefield
Once again on the battlefield,
tiny in the face of my giant enemy,
I reach into the pouch for my ammunition:
How can these pebbles make any difference
against all the armor, spears and sheer muscle I see before me?
Unlikely weapons:

I begin to smile as I recall Who gave them to me.
He's never failed me yet.
My heart lifts as I load my slingshot
I am filled with His confidence and joy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sue--this poem is beautiful and powerful! Thank you for living with upturned face and hands through the journey on which God is leading you.
